イーロン・マスク氏は、1995年に彼の弟と一緒にZip2を設立し、1999年にCompaq社に US$307million (約 340億円)で売却。 彼はUS$ 22 millionを手にしました。 (この時のことが今日のスピーチでも触れられています。)
一躍、億万長者になると、Zip2を売却した同年、X.comを設立。 これがのちにPayPalとなり、2002年にeBay社に買収されたことで、彼は更にUS$ 165 millionを手にしました。
この経歴だけみると彼はやり手の実業家にみえますが、彼はペンシルバニア大学で経済学と物理学の学位を取得し、 スタンフォード大学の博士課程の為に西海岸に転居しましたが、2日で退学しという俊才。
今なお、Tesla社やSpace X社で挑戦を続ける彼が、卒業生に送ったスピーチの全文を掲載です。
◇◇◇Quote ◇◇◇
Take risks now, do something bold. You won’t regret it
◇◇◇Full Speech◇◇◇
Thank you. So, I’ve got about apparently
five or six minutes to save the most useful things I can think of. I’m gonna do
my best. And it was suggested that I just still things down to three items. I
think I’ll go with four and I’ve tried and I think these are pretty important
ones. Some of them, again, sound like, well, you’ve heard it before. But it’s
worth here emphasizing.
I think the first is you need to work,,,
depending on how you want to do, and particularly,
if you are starting a company, you need to work super hard.
So, what is super hard mean? Well, when my
brother and I were starting our first company, instead of getting an apartment,
we just rented a small office and we slept on the couch.
And we showered at the YMCA, and we are so
hot up there. We had just one computer. So, the website was up during the day
and I was coding at night, seven days a week, all the time.
And I sort of briefly had a girlfriend in that period, and in order to be with me, she had to sleep in the office. So, I work hard like, it means every waking hour, that’s the thing I would say, if you’re particularly, if you’re starting a company. And I mean if you do simple math to say like, ‘Okay, if someone else is working 50 hours when you are working 100, you’ll get twice as done as much done in the course of a year.
その時には、私にはちょっとつきあったガールフレンドがいたのですが、私と一緒にいるために、彼女はオフィスで寝なければなりませんでした。 ですから、私は起きているときは、ずっと仕事をしていました。
As they, as the other
company, the other thins I’d say, is that if you’re creating company, or if you’re
joining a company, the most important thing is to make sure, is to attract
great people. So, either be joining a
group that’s amazing that you really respect of if you’re building a company,
you’ve got to gather great people.
I mean all the group is a group of people that have gathered together to create product or service. So, depending upon how talented and hardworking that group is, and the degree to which they are focused cohesively in a good direction, that will determine the success of the company. So, do everything you can to gather great people if you’re creating a company.
Then, I would say focus on a signal over
noise. A lot of companies get confused. They spend money on things that don’t
actually make the product better. So, for example, at Tesla, we’ve never spent
any money on advertising. We put all the money into R&D and manufacturing,
and design to try to make the car as good as possible.
And I think that’s the way to go. So, for any given company, just keep thinking about “Are these efforts that people are expending, are they resulting in a better product or service?” And if they’re not, stop those efforts.
And the final thing is sort of, don’t just
follow the trend. So, you may have heard me say that it’s good to think in
terms of the physics approach, of course it’s principles, which is rather than
reasoning by analogy you boil things down to the most fundamental truths you
can imagine, and you reason up from there.
最後に言いたいことは、流行を単に追いかけない、ということです。 この点について、私が物理学的なアプローチ、勿論、原理に基づくと、アプローチをするのが良いと話しているのを聞いたことがある人もいるかと思います。 それは、取り組んでいることを、自分で想像できる最も基本的な事実として類推するのではなく、基本的な事実から理由を考えていくのです。
And this is a good way to figure out if something really makes sense, or if it’s just what everybody else is doing, it’s hard to think that way. You can’t think that way about everything, it takes a lot of effort. But if you are trying to do something new, it’s the best way to think. And that framework was developed by physicists to figure out counterintuitive things, like quantum mechanics. So, it’s really a powerful, powerful method.
And this is a good way to figure out if something really makes sense, or if it’s just what everybody else is doing, it’s hard to think that way. You can’t think that way about everything, it takes a lot of effort. But if you are trying to do something new, it’s the best way to think. And that framework was developed by physicists to figure out counterintuitive things, like quantum mechanics. So, it’s really a powerful, powerful method.
それから、最後に皆さんに勧めたいことは、 今がリスクをとって大胆なことをするときだ、という事です。 子供もいませんし、責任も、、、、 あ、ごめんさない、、、ここは違う?、、、、でも、歳をとると、責任が増えてきます。 家族をもったら、リスクをとる場合自分だけではなく、家族にもリスクがかかってきます。 もしかしたら成功しないかもしれない事をやるのは、難しくなってきます。 ですから、こういう責任がない、今こそ、やるべきなのです。
So, I would encourage you to take risks now, do something bold. You won’t regret it.
今こそ、リスクをとるべきなのです。 リスクをとった事を、あなたは将来も後悔はしません。
Thank you,
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